Walk off

Starting this home series with the Arizona Diamondbacks, it appeared the Padres were backing up and playing like yesteryear...but whoa...here comes mighty little David Eckstein smashing a line drive over the LF's head...and after an intentional walk to AGonzo, a walk off tater by newly inserted clean up hitter, Chase Headley...coupled with some great relief pitching by Mujica, Russell (*), and Bell...a great finish...
The NBA cranks up their second season today...my favs....Cavs, Lakers, Magic (ugly), and Hawks (yup)...
The Shepard team won their match yesterday, with most of the glory going to the good doctor...
It's a bicycle day here and we are going all over the city...and one of the stops will be at the Point Loma Fish House...halibut sands that are the best...


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