New TV

Big Love...back to the awesome bigamist, with his 3 wives, and his insatiable desire to make more money...not that the Mormons think that way, too...we follow the path that this guy travels and it can only happen on conservative right would allow this on their free tv...
American Idol...amazes me that there is so much talent out there undiscovered...what are talent scouts doing? Now, there have been some bogus winners in the past, but generally, it is a springboard for some great kids to get their chance for the way, if you haven't drug up Kristy Lee Cook off of itunes, do so...she is a big talent, that needs another shot...point being, it is a great show...not so sure about Ellen D in lieu of the rambling Paula...did not like the Kara project...
NFL playoffs...for the next month high drama on the football field...and even greater with the Chargers in the mix of it all...
Notice, the free TV sitcoms are not mentioned...I follow none of 'em...
The weather here has been oh so nice...78* yesterday on the course and it was a beaut...
Can Baltimore beat New England?
The days of wine and roses...