Back in '98 there was this incredible home run race between Sammy Sosa of the Cubs, and Mark McGwire of the Cards...highlighted by McGwire hitting 70 of 'em...as time went by, allegations of steroid and human growth supplements emerged and none of the stuff seemed to be real...the 'roids were rampant in the league and standing at the top were the 2 battling it out for the HR crown...it took years of persuasion for them (and all the others) to admit that was what they were using...bizarre as all of those who were, looked much, much larger...(some golfers, too?)...info was leaked and some of the stars actually went in front of the biggest liars in America, Congress...liars facing liars...what a joke...I digress...anyway, Mark McGwire has been hired as a hitting coach back with the Cards...and suddenly, he comes forth and admits he, in fact, did take steroids and other performance enhancers...