Blackwater, Re-Dux

I am always referring you to the Vegas line on certain have the reeling Cowboys a 3 pt. fav over the surging's at Dallas, so there may be the bias...but!...something is in the air, and it ain't pretty...
Is Adam Lambert cagey like a fox, or just dumb as a post?
Have you been getting your Survivor fix? Russell is as dominant a force as any player has ever been in that reality game show...and great TV...
I absolutely love the Xmas season as it is bright and cheery all around...and Marsh made cookies and they are wonderful...
So ND snatched up the very successful coach out of Cincy to resurrect their program, as he did there...looks to be a significant hire...can he recruit?
My oh my, the Steelers have gone on a huge slide...and I don't see their coach hanging to admire the innovation of the Brown's defensive coordinator...
Our winter has hit and it is the coldest it's been since residing here in the sun belt...
Off to Vegas to meet up with the family and our Keizer family, the Morrises...
Hit me!