The Best

The best pure hitter in baseball...Manny (Rodriguez)...without a doubt the quickest home run swing in the game, right now...close second is Albert Pujols...
The best NFL player...OK, I am talking offense, it is Peyton far...he is absolutely a gem in motion and I watch the Colts every game I can to marvel at his ability...right up there with the likes of the best in all of sport...he may be the best of all...
The best female singer...Carrie Underwood...borders on the line of pop and country, she has the ability to cover both sides...and in concert, nobody does it better...
The best male singer...Michael Buble...he bridges the gap from yesteryear and nowadays...
The best actor...Matt Damon...he has the ability to portray and sell any of the characters he has drawn...
The best actress...Paris Hilton (kidding), no I like Rachel McAdams...just look at her in the upcoming Sherlock Holmes and you'll see what I mean...
The best politician...none given...but I guess it has to be our National spokesman, Prez O...thank God we have him...
The best that's a change in latitude...tie (!), Bud, Bud Lite, and Blue Moon...
The best dancer...Cheryl Burke...we don't miss the DWTS tour stop here in SD...a major reason why...
The best golfer (and philanderer)...Tiger Woods...when it's time, he will shine...and nobody will care what he does in his private (public now) life...
The best morning show...Today Show with Matt Lauer...I watch them all, but they seem to be the most consistent...
The best TV show...Big, love love it...God Only Knows...
The best hoop star...another runaway winner...Kobe a class by himself...closing the gap is Carmelo Anthony...
The best time of the year...right now, of course...
Go Bolts!