The Worst

The more I hear about the Sarah Pahlin book, the more I am loving it...oops that's sarcasm...just what does she thinks she is? Doesn't she know she's a politician? Hilarious...
Taylor Swift garnered a bunch of CMA's the other night and it's cool she's getting the perks...but...not so fast my friend...she is a breath of fresh air in that market, but for the younger set for sure...she has a marginal voice that has lots of appeal...but better than McGraw, Chesney, Strait, McBride, Underwood, Hill...naw, not in this blogger's mind...oh well, the voting part of all awards is suspect...
Day 8 and I hate this cold, flu, or whatever it is...
The court system and all attorneys.
public education and teachers, mainstream media, the press, hollywood. Any environmental issue,
immigrants or foreign countries.aid to poor or disabled by any govt agency. Taxes of any kind. They have no solutions only targets and they have an organized propaganda machine in Fox news that is very effect at misleading people with little of no knowledge of our political system. They have spread a tremendous amount of false information on the internet and have turned the Obama movemnet on its heels. This is very reminiscent of McCarthyism and the John Birchers of the 50's