So the NBA began last night and so did Charles Barkley popping off about who he thought would be in the mix...one of his rants was that the Clippers were going to be in the playoffs this time around...OMG, a miss of all time...horrible coaching and horrible players...how did Dunleavy keep his job last year?...anyway, the Clips got easily beaten by the Champ Lakers, in a ho hum affair...the Cavs started well, yet lost to the newly energized Celts...and the Blazers beat up a speedy Rocket team...and oh yea, watch out for the Wiz this year, as they beat the Mavs, an old team now...
The World Series begins tonight in the cold and rain in NY...which favors the pitching...which they both have...and maybe the home field advantage may give the Yanks the edge...toss-up...
DWTS...is it just me or is Carrie Ann (the gal judge) a real pain? Props go out to the fans who seem to have this right...Where I feel Mya is probably the best, the star (?) with Derek seems over rated to me...
OK, I'm hungry and it's grazing time...