Big Weekend

Last night's Blazer/Nugget game was of great interest and fuel for thought...can you have too many pieces to try to fit in the puzzle? It appears that the PDX squad has 10 guys...and there are signs that there may be a problem brewing at the pg spot...let's look at it...Andre Miller or Steve Blake...Miller is a true pg and Blake is more of a 2 guard, which the Blazers are full of...still...each are a 2nd echelon player...not really a problem in my book...but may be in Blake's...and the post spot...Oden has not made much of a step up...he can't try to block every shot...and Pryzbilla has taken a step back...anyhoo, it's a long season and don't fret much here...the defense coach has to look at not doubling Anthony...who by the way is a load and has picked up his game and is now a top tier player...good game and PDX just had to make a free throw...which they choked (or missed)...Blazers a "B", Nuggets an "A"
Remember the ref who got caught rigging the games, Tim Donaghy? Well he has written a tell all book, that the publisher has begged off from publishing right now... Why? You think there has been some pressure from the NBA? Stay tuned...
There is actually talk about inviting SDS over BYU for the Poinsettia best the Aztecs would be 6-6 and BYU would probably be 9-3...come on...
The Bolts are 17 point favs vs. the horrible Raiders here this Sunday...
The Yanks evened up the Series with an easy 3-1 win...ho hum...
I am really stoked for the Dux game tomorrow!