Do You Know Who This Is?

Well, do you? He's the guy who says the economy is out of the recession...yup, it's Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke...
It's good news, but it's what I've been saying for some time...the problem is that the numbers on the out of work people remains high, the housing market prices are still low, the car numbers are not flattering...but, just follow the stock market and the numbers are there...if you have the $...INVEST NOW!...I told you...

So I'm back to baking my own bread...after countless attempts at buying a nice loaf of it, I make a much better product and I know what's in favorite is the raisin walnut....

Have you heard of Acorn? Not sure what to think...It appears to be a gov't. program that has a lot of problems with it...AND, the republicans are going crazy on it...

I'm afraid to say this...but racism is going to be an ongoing issue throughout the Prez O term (s)...

Speaking of that, are you okay with the limit of a maximum of 2 terms for a US President? If such a big thing, why not the same limits on a Senator or Rep?...or a Supreme Court Judge?...I'm just saying...

Now you know I'm big on Dancing With The Stars...and I have this thing for Cheryl Burke...but she apparently she wore out poor Tom Delay and he may be out...

A happy ending for Big Brother!...Jordan garnered the top prize in a stunner...great TV!!!

I taped Jay Leno and have yet to watch his new show...a meaning there?

Just for interest sake, take a look at the lines for the upcoming games...
Beavers vs. Cincy a toss up?...


dws said…
Well it looks like a health care bill is out of the Senate Finance realm. Its a joke. No mbody likes it. The guy Baucus is the con. dem promoting it. he has received over $2mill from health care industry.
Think about it.

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