The End Of An Era

The passing of Senator Ted Kennedy has brought to an end of the largest, longest, most trusted, politician family of my lifetime. Personal life notwithstanding, their dedication to doing the right thing was always their best credential. It is truly a sad day for us...I think back to the presidency of JFK and how we were all enamored with his actions and his speeches...or with RFK and his hope for change in the Viet Nam War era...and the endorsement by Teddie of Obama just this last year...
Which brings me to these questions. Is it better for the country to have the rich run it? It is harder to coerce them by the hated lobbyists? Is it not good to have but one family have such a long influence on the country?
In these past few days I have brought up some very unflattering things that are still going on in this country...if in fact we are all about change...let's get on with it...


dws said…
Good points and questions. Its hard not to be cynical about our politcal system. I think most of our elected officials try to do what they think is right, however, the cost of getting re-elected forces too many compromises and has to influence their views. I though Teddy got better with age as do many Senators. It used to be a gentleman's club that could see through partisan issues, but now I think the fringe elements and their media force fights.

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