Blue Jeans

So it's getting back to school time...sorry kids, but true...and you need to stock up on your favorite source of pant jeans...
Well, most of you could care less, I go...
The cotton that goes into making your favorite jeans are probably grown in, get this, China, India, Africa...or the takes about 18 weeks of growth for the cotton plant to grow...throw in the dye it takes to color your pants...and then ship the cotton to whomever puts it together (sew) Bangledesh, China, VietNam, Mexico, or...a few in the may cost from $5- $15 to actually make your jeans...
Feel guilty yet? The sweat shops pay their workers anywhere from $1 an hour to $5 an hour to assemble your pants...THEN...
you go down to your favorite store and pay these amounts...
Levi's 501's...$45
Levi's 505's...$44
True Religion's...$348
Calvin Klein's...$89
Ralph Lauren's...$145
Costco Kirkland's...$13 ask...why the disparity? Just who makes all the $ in these transactions? Must you have the label?
As I cinch up my 501's...circa 1972...well,
I guess so...


dws said…
And people scream and yell about the govt spending our $.
CarolynArtist said…
someone has to pay for the designers to live in their lofty NYC digs

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