
So this is a story you really don't want to hear. It's one of those it seems near impossible to believe...and yet it's true....our military connection in the middle east is one thing, but we have another presence in the area...a group formally called Blackwater, and now Xe...and in Iraq, the numbers are near the same! It's a story that the press does not talk about and I just can't figure out why appears that the CIA uses Xe to carry out many of their the way, no death count is ever released from this group...and yes, they are in Afghanistan, too...
I happened to be watching Bill Maher on HBO last night...yes I know he is near radical left...but I watch "the no spin zone, too"...he had on a former Clinton worker, a democrat congresswoman, and Jay Leno (whatever)...mild talk about the usual...national health...and on comes the author of the book "Blackwater"...and out comes raised hair and it was VERY INTERESTING!...
Anyway, the battle goes on in Iraq (and Afghanistan) ...but who is doing it? the US or Xe?..........
I hope this makes you check it out...


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