So you think you're better than me?

Mandlebaum...So this whole life I've seen the effects of being better than someone, real, inherited, earned, or implied...
The NAACP is gathering in NY and my images of the life that blacks led forever in this country comes out loud and I remember my trip to inner Florida in the late 60's and seeing the white only signs....
Or one of my teaching friends telling me that we wouldn't be speaking to one another if we were back in his area in Nebraska, as Native Americans were shunned by his people...
The audacity of people wondering if you are "christian" or not, as if that makes you better or worse than someone else...
What you inherited monetarily in your you think life is different if you are a Kennedy or a Hilton?...
If you wear a burka you are immediately thought to be a person of question...
That if you are Dick Cheney there are laws that as a VP of the USA you can change and do as you feel to other humans...
Because you beat me at golf, you are better than me?
Speaking of being in the reunion season of summer, did you suffer through the cliques of life?
So have things changed in the last 20 years?
30, 40, or 50?
Probably some as the US has elected a person of color...the walls have seen some change...yet we have a lot to go...
Izzy Mandelbaum..."So you think you're better than me?"...well, it's still out there...


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