The Judge?
Have you had the stomach to watch any of the Sotomayor grilling by the elected officials of our great land? Just a short time ago it was the Democrats that tried to unearth some skeletons on a Supreme Court that task is up to the Republicans...I find it appalling the way it is either party...I ask myself, why would you want the job anyway? Look at the good Republican from NC and say, "Sir, you may go to Hell!"
Speaking of Heath Bell, he gave up the winning run as the American League continued it's 13 year win streak in MLB's All-Star game...Heath is one of our bright spots and it's too bad...
Does anybody really care about the Tour De France? It is the most steroid infested sport of them all...
Where the Surf meets the Turf kicks off on the 22nd and I am debating about opening day or the day after...
The British Open is tomorrow and Tiger is going to win in a slam on it!
How can any business who has had government help give out bonuses to their workers?
So we have a 45 minute fire alarm at 2 in the AM and it has interrupted my sleep pattern...and the elevators have shut down and we walk up and down 6 flights of stairs...did anyone say WORKOUT!
Let's get physical...ONJ