Can You Believe
Can you believe:
- Any politician, any time, anywhere? Do you believe Sarah Pahlin?
- Robert MacNamara? He was the mastermind of the Vietnam war and convinced LBJ that it was the right thing to we lost countless lives due to his ignorance.
- How bad our penal system is as we let out prisoners on parole out and they are not changed...just look at NC...
- Arnold in his mindless way of combating the $ problem in Cali...
- The people who look at MJ as he was and assume that was what he was like in these later years...
- How mismanaged the Padres are...look at last night's debacle in Arizona...
- How the real reporters resemble paparazzi in this MJ memorial thing...
- That nobody is talking about the stock market.
- That Prez O has already established diplomacy with Russia.
- Lefty has to handle such difficult personal times.
- That China has ethnic violence that is rumbling all over that country.
- That Osama isn't dead?
- In Magic? Lovin Spoonful
That a guy fell into a vat of chocolate and died. what were his last thoughts?
That someone actually thinks Palin could be president.
That McNair who was having an affair was shot by the mistress because she thought he might be messing around.
That no one has an answer to the economy but everyone has someone to blame.
That Al Sharpton said Michael wasn't strange.
Alot of Americans died in Iraq for ?