What Ever Happened to...
What ever happened to:
Dan Quayle? Our former VP that thought he was the front runner for Prez...
8 track tapes? Finally tape for our music for the car...
Cassette tapes? Better tape for our music for the car...
Clay Aiken? How can so many Claymates be so wrong?
Geraldo? The answer to all the Jimmy Hoffa questions...
Variety Shows? Ed Sullivan we miss you so...
Arsenio Hall? The young, hip, alternative to the other talk shows...
Sarah Pahlin? Another possible VP type that has bit the dust...
The Republican Party? See Sarah Pahlin above...Rush?
Paul and Paula? Hey, hey Paula...I wanta marry you...
Booger? American Graffiti...
Suzanne Somers? American Graffiti...
Harrison Ford? American Graffiti...
Meier & Frank? THE Salem clothing store...
David Twardzik? Blazer's pinball wizard...
White walled tires? 1956 Buick...
Britney's clothes? Must have been lost at the airport...
The missing DWTS votes? Cheryl got robbed...
Bartlett's diploma? See Britney above...
Loud checkered trousers? Oops, John Daly found them...
The hula hoop? Around and around we go...
The Padres offense? It's all about Kooz again...
Bob's cheeseburger? Sad, but I hear the sauce is still being made...
Meatless Fridays ? Sorry about that Catholics...
Sundays in the park? Chicago...oops that's Saturdays...
W.C. Fields movies- Funny
Girdles - chastity belts of the
Playing marbles- Cats eyes and steelies and boulders
Model cars- glue,paint.decals
pegged pants- pendleton shirts-overcoats- high fashion
Professional Sports- you were loyal to a team cause you thought they were loyal too.
Friday nites and the hope you might get a little