Is War A Business?

I am reading a book about the Vietnam War and the LBJ regime and try not to compare it to the so-called Iraq war. The guy in charge, Robert McNamara, had an eye on an escalated attack on the Viet Cong to preserve freedom for the World...or something like that. The process was progressing shortly after the assassination of JFK, and really got muddled around the time of the re-election of point here is that all of the real aggressive stuff had to be suppressed during election time...the funding of the war had to be ratified in Congress and the only time to do so was after the election...unless the enemy fired upon us during that time it was the only way...debatable point was whether or not the North Vietnamese did so in the Gulf Of Tonkin...the money did make it through and we were at war...

The Country progresses in regression...the military is increased, jobs increase due to production of military vehicles, jobs increase due to military needs, discreet businesses prosper...

Think now about the "Iraq" war...similarities...Bush takes us to combat against ? to save the freedom of the World...because of the attack on NY and the Pentagon he had the "right" to attack somebody...his minister of defense is none other than Rumsfeld...who leaves no stone unturned...wait, just the one that actually proves that there is justification for naming Iraq as the guilty Bombers...his VP, evil Cheney, has a hand in the business that is set to prosper by the US going into Iraq, Haliburton...huge sums of money are ratified by Congress to fund this war...

In a blog it is hard to discuss any but the major points of an point is succinct...war is a business....


dws said…
I have so much to say on this topic that I don't know where to start. You are right war is business, but so is everything else. Sports, religion, TV, etc. etc. Capitalism works but it also destroys. The fact that we have businesses that are too large to let fail says it all. Our political system has evolved into a contest between people with money. Laws and policy are bought by special interests thru campaign donations and perks. Obama was suppose to change this but reality has forced him to comprosmise and in the end the the money will win again. The emotional fragility of the nation after 911 was used by the neo-cons to engage us in a war that was meant to enhance our economic interests not our security. Remember the Dixie Chicks being called traitors and banned form the air. The real traitors are Limbaugh and Larson and O'reilly who prey on the emotions of ignorant citzens and direct them to fall in line with the business line. They call it patriotism. Its really a shame.
Crazy Horse said…
Neo-cons? Interesting. Yes it is a frustration of the capitalistic society. Read about my take on rendition and comment please.

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