Don't cry for me

So the Nuggets skipper puts most of the blame for their loss last night to the Lakers on the referees...don't cry for me George...he said that all of his players feel that the difference in the game was how the fray was called...cry, cry, cry...
The American Idol voting scheme came under fire due to some AT & T glitch that allowed some power voting...Adam L would have none of crying there...
The Padres won their 11th out of 12 games at Arizona as AGonzo and JPeavy were under the weather but still led their crying there...
The MLB all-star voting is ongoing...more voting stuff...and none other than the 50 game suspended Manny is 4th in the voting...OMG, wake up people! It's a crying shame...
The heavily favored Cavs look to avoid the dreaded elimination with their home game vs. Orlando tonight...this will be a blow out by the Cleveland club...the line is 7 1/2 ...I'm cryin' if I'm lyin'...
Somehow GM is going to avoid going bankrupt...there is always a way to keep the misguided company afloat and the country will figure it out...let's see the GM CEO flies his private jet into Wash. DC and cries for some Congressional help...
I still think that the red headed Idol gal got a bum rap with her "Cry, Cry, Cry"...


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