What ever happened to...
the Kahrman Ghia? Or the Pacer, or the Fiat, or the Renault, or the Chevette... Now that the car companies are in dire straits it made me think of all the cars that met their time match a bit ago. Experts are saying that the US failed to meet the energy goals of consumers and are being swallowed up by the Japanese and Korean auto makers. Very interesting...Is this not the same countries that are swallowing up the US in baseball? Is there a similarity?
Now I know the KG is German, and the Fiat is not US and so on, but the fact is the cars built here are not being bought and may face the same fate...extinction. There mus be a demand for the car and it can't only be...buy in the US by a US...a better product must be made. Is it not a truth that the US car was made in such a fashion that it would fall apart in a limited amount of years...thus you would have to buy a new one? How many US made cars last longer than 5 or 6 years? On the other hand, how many Toyotas and Hondas do you see that are 10 years of age or more on the road?
I fear we have been lead down a money road...that to keep this car economy going the US automakers devised a plan to make us come back...make an inferior car. Well the foreign automakers saw this and devised a better one. In lieu of just cranking out a product, they invented a much more reliable vehicle, and then put it out there...and we buy it...
Why not? It is a better investment for sure. Until the US comes up with a comparable unit the outcome will remain the same. Our politicians clamor to help save a miserable set of car companies that have yet to address the real issue of an inferior product. Just why should we give them $ help?
It's a stretch to compare the car industry to baseball...but...isn't it interesting through hard work, innovative coaching, team devotion, reliable product, and fundamental success that the Japanese and Koreans are fielding a better bunch of baseball players...
I just had to say it...
How's your D-1 bracket going? I missed a bunch yesterday but still have my final four alive...and I missed some of those 5-12 games...
BYU beat SDS for the 2nd straight,,,but Strasburg had 15 k's and a no decision...
SDS continues on the NIT path with an easy win...
And finally, to talk from the other side of my mouth, I still wish I had my '56 Olds with it's wonder bar...