
Let me be very clear. It was what the MLB players did. They were already great. They wanted to be bigger, stronger, faster, and greater. It started off with just a few showing signs of the bigger body...then more and more realized they could do the same. Whether it was down at the mall, over the internet, or by their trainer, they all found a way to get them. Steroids...
The statistics were overwhelming. Originally the culprit was the juiced up baseball that was wound tighter than ever., it was the steroids. Who brought them is unclear, but the history of the pro-wrestler, the huge NFL lineman, or the trumped up East German ladies...they were out there to be had.
Baseball has a history of cheating...the Black Sox, the inequity of the salaries, the pine tar, the grease and whatever by the pitchers, and on and on. You keep going until somebody catches you. Let alone the segregation forever it seems...the records have always been tainted. Sorry folks but it is true. How can you say that Babe Ruth was the best ever? He didn't play against all the races...
And then there is the hall of fame. OMG!!! So you have SPORTWRITERS deciding who gets in...why not the players? about the ultimate group of paparazzi...It's like any voting process...let's get real and let the players do the voting...
So the latest piece of the puzzle is a list of condemned players that positively tested for steroids back in 2003. There were 104 of them...but only ARod got is that possible? Could it be by a SPORTSWRITER? I figure all the names will come out and the witch hunt will go on and on. If you are a baseball card collector go back and dig up cards of the steroid boys and compare their pictures...and statistics...
Gee, I wasn't sure what I was taking...I wonder how many times you will hear this in the next 6 months. Let me be clear, the SPORTWRITERS have only just begun...