Friday the 13th

What bad luck? 13 things I wish that would change and become true...
1. The Stock Market would rise 13%.
2. The Blazers would quit switching all screens.
3. The Padres would fire Kevin Towers.
4. The Chargers would draft a big running back.
5. Del Mar would have 2 racing seasons instead of one.
6. All Bank CEO's would have to pay back their bonuses.
7. The abolition of all lobbyists.
8. They find the cure for cancer.
9. Clemens, Bonds, and McGuire admit doing steroids.
10. The peanut companies that lied are closed permanently.
11. The war is ended.
12. Unemployment shrinks due to the stimulus package.
13. Banks renegotiate their current loans.
Obviously, there are more important ones than the particular order...