Don't worry I am not going to convert you. I am however going to take you through a FAITH based journey. I am currently reading a book called "The 19th Wife." It is a part fact, part fiction piece about Polygamy. Really it has opened my eyes to what we call religion. Just what is a religion?
Must it be about God? Must it be about only one God? Is there only one religion for all mankind? If the color of your skin is different does that mean you have a different religion? If you live in India rather than Iraq does that mean you have a different God? If you are Catholic does that mean you are different than Jewish? Can you only marry in your religion? If you are Mormon can a person of different color be a member? Is any religion measured by how many followers you have? If you belong to one religion can you understand somebody of another? On and on...
I used to say that Algebra is like a religion of sorts. If you believe the foundation of the truths of Algebra all else falls neatly in place. That it becomes less and less complicated the more you know makes sense...
Have faith in what we do and we will become the best we can be...I used to say that to my teams. Truths, but were they religious?
Are you a Christian? Is there a more defining moment in declaration of your soul? Would that be asked of a Muslim, Buddhist, Hebrew, Shintu, or...? Does that make you a better person or an accepted whom? Must you confirm to be a part of...?
I have been told you can not argue religion as there is no right answer. Yet ask a person who is totally committed to a FAITH and they will say it is the only answer.
If you attend a church, if the members send a group to your home to convert you, is this a concept of FAITH? Could it be the membership needs your $? If you commit you may contribute 10% of your income to show your FAITH? Does that happen in all religions? Does that happen to you? If you attend a service, is there a $ basket that is passed around. The $ goes for what?
How many pastors from TV have been indicted for money laundering schemes? Is this unique? Is it that you must have FAITH that they will help guide you through the proper path of their (your) religion?
Did you have to go through a counseling period with priests from the Catholic church before getting married? They who have had major problems...and have never been married themselves?
Can you understand that everybody has the right to believe, or not believe, in anything they want to in FAITH? Or is there only your belief...
I have FAITH that you will make the right choice...


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