President Obama

All else fails to compare to the inauguration of our president, Barack Obama. When you think of how small a thing sport is in the grand scheme of things you then realize that it is a privilege. So many people have the good fortune of playing sports, many for a nice salary, that is misunderstood as being bigger than it actually is. Some athletes use it as a platform, some as a stepping stone, some as a money making venture, some as fun, some as a form of a workout, some misuse the power that it gives, and on and on... We have the great fortune of being part of the greatest country of the world and sport is a small derivative of that.
OK...the Lakers showed LaBron and his Cavs that they are not on the same level this year. It was so cool to see Kobe get down and work defensively like all defenders do in high school. Without a doubt different than the regular season paths chosen by most NBA teams.
The Blazers did a number on the Scott Skiles Bucks. Greg Oden put up huge numbers and the PDX team waltzed through. Wasn't that Kelvin Sampson on the Buck's bench? How does he continue to get jobs after leaving his past schools in shambles?