This is dedicated to the...
By the my friends in the snowy northwest! Greetings from 68* and sunny SD...
TCU upended BSU in a good Poinsettia Bowl game last night. Surprised me with the D as the emphasis rather than the O. 34,000 at the game and it was a success.
The Blazers looked more like a contender with their win over the Nuggets in their home and home match. Interesting was that Nate didn't use the strange sub patterns that he used the night before...??? Joel P the diff in the game with 19 boards.
Are we in a recession? Then how can the Yankees sign anybody for $80 million? Who will pay to see that?
The Bronx Zoo paid out $222 mill for their salary last year....the Pads were at $72 mill. NY actually pays penalties about the same as SD wants to pay their regular salary this season...can you say buy a champ?
Finally, little Portland St. battled the weather to get to Spokane and play the Goliath Gonzaga. Led by SS's Jeremiah Dominguez and McNary's Phil Nelson the Vikings upset the Bulldogs! Remember those two?
What's that I hear? Santa Claus is coming to town...
TCU upended BSU in a good Poinsettia Bowl game last night. Surprised me with the D as the emphasis rather than the O. 34,000 at the game and it was a success.
The Blazers looked more like a contender with their win over the Nuggets in their home and home match. Interesting was that Nate didn't use the strange sub patterns that he used the night before...??? Joel P the diff in the game with 19 boards.
Are we in a recession? Then how can the Yankees sign anybody for $80 million? Who will pay to see that?
The Bronx Zoo paid out $222 mill for their salary last year....the Pads were at $72 mill. NY actually pays penalties about the same as SD wants to pay their regular salary this season...can you say buy a champ?
Finally, little Portland St. battled the weather to get to Spokane and play the Goliath Gonzaga. Led by SS's Jeremiah Dominguez and McNary's Phil Nelson the Vikings upset the Bulldogs! Remember those two?
What's that I hear? Santa Claus is coming to town...