My 1st annual turkey of the year awards (TOY). Because I am in a fowl mood...gobble, gobble...I'm feeling negative...gobble, gobble...and it's raining...gobble, gobble...and I had to cancel my golf game...
With no particular order (DWTS):
1. UDub. The mighty Huskies of Washington. They have no wins, they fired their coach, they lost to Wazzou, they once were the top dawgs...
2. Michelle Wie. She alienated herself from the LPGA and tried to bounce into the PGA and goes nowhere. She finally gets in a position to compete for the top spot in a ladies event and forgets to sign her scorecard and is dq'd.
3. Detroit Lions. OMG the NFL's feast for all. Winless and pathetic.
4. Oklahoma City (Supersonics) Thunder. Close vote here with the Clips and Wiz...but the OCST fired PJ and then gets whupped by 30 or 40 or something like that. Good move OC.
5. Dick Cheney. I know he's hiding in a bunker somewhere but couldn't he emerge long enough to at least say "I like McCain!" On the other hand, while he's down there his fellow hunters are safe...
6. San Diego Padres and Kevin Towers. Unfortunately one the same. They were predicted to win 100 and then lost 99...KT is now trying to sell the farm to Japan, hoping there is a few of them left to transform this team to the San Diego Lexus. Yes, the worst organization in MLB.
7. CEO's of Detroit's big three. They each had the audacity to fly their private jets into DC to beg for money from Congress to keep their respective car companies afloat. Now there are CEO's of banks as deserving but they kept their billions undercover. I don't know lump them all together and put them on the next Survivor. CEO Survivor!
8. The Jonas Bros. What on earth is this? The most (did i say most?) untalented group of kids I've ever heard that are famous. The boy bands of the past were great in comparison. Just get yourself a great publicist and you can get almost anything out there...
9. Lefty. Every year they say he is going to have a great year. Especially now that Tiger took most of the year off to rehab, Phil still couldn't take the top spot over. He got passed up by the likes of Andy Kim and Padraig...and is now just one of the boys...gobble, gobble year
10. John McCain's advisor. I don't know if it is one guy or a collaborative group of people...but he (they) selected Sarah as his running mate and had him tell the country the economy was in a stable condition. How could he lose?
There they are. All deserving and I'm sure there are more to add to the list. Do you have any? Give me an email and Ill add the missed ones.
Tomorrow the Black Friday Beauties...the best of the year bargains.
Enjoy the sun.


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