The Pix

What a great game 1 in the Series. Hamel is an absolute stud. Actually all the pitchers were great. Got to go with the Rays tonight.
Here we go:
1. SDS over CSU, Wooah...gave up 70 last week and win here
2. Army over LTech, if Vegas pix Army so will I
3. ASU over Oregon, always in the desert
4. BYU over UNLV, as much as this bothers me
5. USC over Arizona, but closer than you think
6. Oklahoma over KS, top 5 team
7. Georgia over LSU, in Louisiana mind you
8. Chargers over the Saints, maybe the D will show up or maybe LT will
9. Ravens over the Raiders, one score maybe the only one of the day
10. Skins over the Lions, another low scoring thing

Don't bet the farm here. In fact, I may miss all of them!


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