Resurrection city

It was a beautiful night for baseball downtown. 70* with a light breeze and no clouds in sight. The Pads are going with the resurrected Shawn Estes against the division leading Dodgers. LA hit him hard. Really Estes was lucky he only gave up 5. He should have been pulled in the 3rd as it was obvious he didn't have it. But we apparently are on cruise control and want to get a good look at what we have. No chance for victory by that approach. Maybe we are playing for last place and 1st pick in the next year draft...Manny is the best hitter in baseball right now. He hits the ball hard and it makes no difference what you try to sneak by him. Well, to borrow Barrack Obama's (and others) famous quote, "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" referring to the resurrection of Estes.


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